Job Descriptions

See our contacts page for the names and contact details of the current officers.



  • leads the Club and the Committee
  • exercises Chairman’s functions under Constitution and Regulations
  • may convene Committee meetings
  • chairs General Meetings and Committee meetings
  • ensures that necessary tasks are assigned to the most appropriate or available Officer
  • ensures so far as practicable that essential tasks are carried out and completed by the Officer to whom they are assigned
  • to the extent necessary, co-ordinates tasks and projects undertaken by more than one person
  • mediates and if necessary rules on disputes between other Officers
  • endeavours to recruit other Principal Officers, or asks the relevant Principal Officer to endeavour to recruit his own replacement
  • endeavours, or asks another Principal Officer to endeavour, to recruit any Appointed Officer
  • serves on the Committee
  • reports to the Committee

Club Captain

  • by default, captains First Team
  • recruits Team Captains for appointment by the Committee
  • takes the lead for League competitions, including: recommending which competitions to enter and with which teams, and representing the Club at League meetings
  • manages the Club’s relationships with the organisers of leagues and other team competitions
  • arranges fixtures for all teams unless a Team Captain does this for his own team
  • tells Accommodation Officer how many dates are needed for league matches and during which period
  • authorises bookings for league matches
  • if required, advises on, decides and manages operational matters affecting two or more Teams
  • mediates and if necessary rules on disputes between Team Captains
  • maintains, updates and circulates the Captains’ Handbook
  • may delegate any functions to another Team Captain
  • serves on the Committee
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

Events Director

  • organises and manages the annual Club Championship (normally OTB but online where circumstances require) during May and June of each year, or at such other times as the Committee may decide
  • recommends other tournaments and events for the Committee’s approval
  • organises and manages other over the board and online competitions and other events
  • authorises bookings for Club Championship and other events
  • may delegate organisation and management of all or any competitions or events to another Officer
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • reports to Committee and Chairman
  • serves on the Committee


  • leads the Club and the Committee in the Chairman’s absence
  • chairs General Meetings and Committee meetings in the Chairman’s absence
  • exercises Secretary’s functions under the Constitution and Regulations
  • Committee administration (can be delegated - see Committee Adminstrator role)
  • Membership administration (can be delegated - see Membership Secretary role)
  • serves on the Committee
  • reports to Committee and Chairman


  • manages the Club’s financial affairs
  • exercises Treasurer’s functions under the Constitution and Regulations, including the exercise of his discretion to reduce or waive the membership subscription in cases of genuine hardship
  • manages and conducts relations with the Club’s bank
  • in liaison as necessary with the Accommodation and Social Chess Officer, manages financial relations with the premises owner
  • prepares final accounts for Committee and AGM
  • prepares interim accounts as and when requested by the Committee
  • circulates to members between October and December the provisional accounts to the previous August 31, inviting members to ask questions or make comments on them to him by a reasonable deadline, and responds to the whole membership as soon as practicable after the deadline
  • provides budget for next season to the Committee setting fees for that season
  • prepares proposals for each season’s membership fees, for approval by the Committee
  • consults with and advises Committee when and if it appears to him that the Club may become under a duty to submit Corporation Tax returns by reason of trading commercially
  • notifies HMRC if the club no longer meets the requirements set out in HMRC’s letter dated 9 December 2021
  • notifies HMRC if the club starts trading commercially and within three months of the club’s starting or restarting any business activity
  • endeavours to arrange the Club’s affairs so that it avoids having to make a Corporation Tax return and to pay Corporation Tax unless the Committee decides otherwise
  • promptly pays valid and reasonable claims for reimbursement of payments made by Officers and others on the Club’s behalf or business
  • makes all authorised bookings and pays for them
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable and proper requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • serves on the Committee
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

Website Manager

  • manages the Club’s website
  • manages the Club’s social media accounts
  • prepares forms for enabling persons to register with or join the Club and for members to renew their membership
  • prepares or assists in preparing surveys of the membership or other groups
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • serves on the Committee
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

APPOINTED OFFICERS (appointed by Committee)

Accommodation Officer

  • in liaison with the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer as appropriate, takes the lead in finding alternative or additional accommodation as and when necessary on a temporary or permanent basis
  • negotiates terms with the premises owner, or delegates this task to another Officer
  • authorises bookings for FIDE Blitz, social chess, and seasonal breaks
  • authorises bookings for all events where the officer responsible fails to act
  • undertakes duties of Equipment Officer if that post is vacant
  • does other necessary tasks in connection with the Club’s use of its premises
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee, Chairman and Treasurer, as appropriate

Social Chess Officer

  • attends social chess evenings when no match is taking place
  • sees that tables, chairs, chess sets and clocks are set out, ready for social chess and are put away after use
  • implements the premises owner’s security and health and safety requirements at social chess evenings
  • does other necessary tasks in connection with the Club’s use of the premises for social chess
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee and Chairman, as appropriate

Captain of Online Chess

  • is by default the Captain of the Club’s teams in the London Online Chess League
  • captains all the Club’s online teams in line with FIDE, League and ECF rules and the Captains’ Handbook
  • selects players for each match, in compliance with any policies of the Club for giving competitive playing opportunities to lower rated players (see Regulations)
  • may recommend a Vice-Captain for appointment by the Committee
  • finds substitute captain if (a) unavailable for any match, or (b) not playing in any match and his attendance as captain is not essential
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • exercises powers and duties assigned to him or her under the Club’s Constitution and Regulations
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee and Club Captain

Child Protection Officer

  • ensures that the Club has appropriate arrangements for keeping children and young people safe
  • promotes the safety and welfare of children and young people
  • obtains a satisfactory enhanced DBS check if eligible
  • ensures that all issues concerning safety and welfare of children and young people who attend Club events are properly dealt with through the Safeguarding Children Policy and other policies, procedures and administrative systems
  • ensures that everyone involved with the Club has access to the Safeguarding Children Policy and procedures and is aware of what they should do if they have concerns about a child
  • receives, records and reports information from anyone who has concerns about a child who attends an Club event
  • advises and supports staff and volunteers on safeguarding/child protection
  • undertakes annual monitoring and review of the Safeguarding Children Policy
  • assists with updating the policy in consultation with other Officers
  • takes the lead on dealing with information that may constitute a child protection concern or an allegation about a member of staff or volunteer, including: assessing and clarifying information; taking decisions in consultation with the Chairman, other Officers, the chair of the Local Safeguarding Children Board and statutory child protection agencies as required; handling all information sensitively and confidentially
  • consults with, passes on information to, and receives information from, statutory child protection agencies such as the local social care department and police, including: making formal referrals to those agencies if required
  • undertakes “Duty to Refer” to the DBS if required
  • reports to each Committee meeting, as required but at least once a year, on the level of risk management being achieved
  • makes himself familiar with how the local safeguarding board works and how to contact them
  • makes himself familiar with issues relating to child protection and keep up to date with developments
  • attends training in issues relevant to child protection from time to time and shares knowledge from that with other members of the Club
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve on it
  • attends the Committee when so requested
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

Committee Administrator

  • exercises the Secretary’s committee and general administrative functions under the Constitution and Regulations
  • may convene Committee meetings
  • in consultation with each Officer, prepares and updates that Officer’s job description
  • produces and circulates an annual or seasonal calendar for Committee meetings and the AGM
  • rearranges meeting dates as and when necessary
  • authorises bookings for Committee meetings (if held offline) and General Meetings
  • produces the agenda for each meeting after consulting the Chairman
  • circulates notice of each meeting with agenda
  • produces and circulates minutes of each meeting
  • amends titles and job descriptions where desirable, in consultation with relevant Officers or Committee
  • undertakes other services needed for Committee meetings and General Meetings
  • undertakes other services in support of the Club’s governance
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • attends meetings of the Committee in any event
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

Data Protection Officer

  • endeavours to get and keep the Club fully compliant with GDPR and PECR
  • advises Committee and Officers on compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • requests relevant Officers to take specified action for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • prepares the Club’s Privacy Notice and any other documents required for compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • prepares, or advises the Website Manager on the content of, the Club’s online registration form to be completed by applicants for membership or to renew membership and persons wishing to be kept informed of the Club’s activities
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

Equipment Officer

  • periodically tidies up the equipment cupboard at the club premises
  • reorganises the cupboard when necessary
  • sees that chess sets are complete and in order
  • recommends purchase of new equipment to the Treasurer
  • purchases new equipment for the Club with the Treasurer’s approval and subject to reimbursement
  • sells or otherwise disposes of equipment no longer needed
  • arranges and pays for engraving of trophies and subject to reimbursement
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to the Chairman or Treasurer, as appropriate

Membership Secretary

  • exercises the Secretary’s membership administrative functions under the Constitution and Regulations
  • administers the conversion of applicants into members, in liaison with the Treasurer and other Officers
  • promotes membership of the Club, in co-operation with the Website Manager and other Officers
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee, Chairman and Treasurer

Mailing list administrator

  • maintains the master mailing list of current members and supporters
  • shares master mailing list with Committee members who request it to perform their duties and as permitted by privacy legislation, forwards messages from individual Officers to some or all persons on the mailing list
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable and proper requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Data Protection Officer

Team Captains

  • captains the team to which his appointment relates in line with FIDE, League and ECF rules and the Captains’ Handbook
  • selects players for each match, in compliance with any policies of the Club for giving competitive playing opportunities to lower rated players (see Regulations)
  • may recommend a Vice-Captain for appointment by the Committee
  • finds substitute captain if (a) unavailable for any match, or (b) not playing in any match and his attendance as captain is not essential
  • at home matches, sees that tables, chairs, chess sets and clocks are set out ready for play and are put away after use
  • at home matches, sees that the premises owner’s security and anti-Covid checklists are implemented
  • does other necessary tasks in connection with the club’s use of its premises
  • complies with Data Protection Officer’s reasonable requests for ensuring compliance with data protection and privacy laws
  • exercises powers and duties assigned to him or her under the Club’s Constitution and Regulations
  • may invite persons to register as guest members for the purpose of playing in team matches, as may be required by Regulations, and ensures fee payable by guest member is paid
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve
  • reports to Committee and Chairman

Team Vice-Captain

  • acts as substitute captain for any match where needed and available
  • carries out routine and match-specific duties of his Team Captain in the latter’s absence or unavailability
  • serves on the Committee if so requested and he agrees to serve

Club Historian

  • collects minutes of committee and general meetings, and other historical documents
  • arranges for historical documents to be available for viewing by officers and (subject to confidentiality requirements) members of the club and the general public
  • maintains and updates the club’s history database
  • writes articles from time to time for the club’s website or social media
  • liaises as necessary with regional and county chess unions, associations and leagues, and with other chess clubs
  • registers with the British Archive, the London Metropolitan Archives and other repositories of relevant historical documents
  • reports to the Chairman and Committee