Kickoff in the Club Championship!

Sunday 9 June, 2024

On Thursday, the first round of our annual Club Championship took place. 28 of the 41 entrants were in action, and all 14 games were decisive, with not a single draw!

That’s not uncommon in a single-section tournament like this, with the full range of playing strengths represented, from novice to master. The first round often sees fairly unbalanced pairings, with the top half of the seeding facing the bottom half.

The games all went according to rating, with one exception: Maximo Pollack, rated 1367, defeated our Chairman Chris Rogal, rated over 400 points higher! Congratulations to him.

The second round of the tournament takes place on Thursday 20th June (full calendar).

If you’re a club member and a member of the ECF at Bronze level or higher, it’s not too late to enter: see here for full details and a link to the entry form.


White Black
1 Robert F Willmoth 2202 1 - 0 Riya Aude Barbier-Ramaiah 1470
2 David Lewis 1416 0 - 1 David Amior 1920
3 Jonathan Rubeck 1907 1 - 0 Stanley G Jacobs 1414
4 Jonathan Samuel 1790 1 - 0 Michael Paulins 1381
5 Maximo Pollack 1367 1 - 0 Chris S Rogal 1771
6 Brendan O'Gorman 1757 1 - 0 Jonathan Rosen-Webb 1346
7 Tony Artman 1300 0 - 1 Armaan Nilim 1748
8 Andrew Medworth 1743 1 - 0 Nick Goulbourne 1300
9 Damien Sobolevski 1055 0 - 1 Salvatore Pepe 1705
10 Daniel Moosdeen Mui 1587 1 - 0 Bahram Salehzehi 996
12 Sundip Tailor 1475 1 - 0 Xuanyi Cai
13 Vadim Sobolevski 0 - 1 Rohan Theo Barbier-Ramaiah 1472
14 Kunal Ramchandani 1462 1 - 0 Pranav Kuckian


  • Full-point: Ben Assirati; David Ben-Nathan
  • Half-point: Lion Lebedev; Alexander Funk; Nick Murphy; Tom Garcia; Shehab Alshehabi; Stephen C Pride; Ben Horspool; Callum Hill; Marcus Gordon; Arun Mahtani; Djad Ben-Eshak; Mohammad Ali Salehzehi
  • Zero-point: Gautam Sriram


  • 1-15: David Amior, Armaan Nilim, Salvatore Pepe, Rohan Theo Barbier-Ramaiah, CM Robert F Willmoth, Jonathan Rubeck, David Ben-Nathan, Jonathan Samuel, Brendan O'Gorman, Andrew Medworth, Daniel Moosdeen Mui, Sundip Tailor, Kunal Ramchandani, Maximo Pollack, Ben Assirati (1)
  • 16-27: Lion Lebedev, Alexander Funk, Nick Murphy, Tom Garcia, Shehab Alshehabi, Stephen C Pride, Ben Horspool, Callum Hill, Marcus Gordon, Arun Mahtani, Djad Ben-Eshak, Mohammad Ali Salehzehi (½)
  • 28-41: Chris S Rogal, Riya Aude Barbier-Ramaiah, Stanley G Jacobs, ACM Michael Paulins, Jonathan Rosen-Webb, Nick Goulbourne, Bahram Salehzehi, Xuanyi Cai, Pranav Kuckian, ACM Gautam Sriram, David Lewis, Tony Artman, Damien Sobolevski, Vadim Sobolevski (0)