Hendon 3 v Hendon 2

Saturday 21 December, 2019

Match report by Hendon 3 captain Andrew Medworth

Last Thursday, the second internal match took place between Hendon 3 and Hendon 2. The match was won 6-2 by Hendon 2.

Hendon 3 Hendon 3 Hendon 2 Hendon 2
Rubeck, Jonathan
171 0 - 1
Rocco, Federico
Stoica, Savas Marin
163 0 - 1
Willmoth, Robert F
Rogal, Chris S
148 ½ - ½
Levy, David NL
Medworth, Andrew
146 0 - 1
Funk, Alexander
Vecht, Gideon
142 1 - 0
Sartenaer, Jean-Claude
Iwi, David
137 ½ - ½
Pepe, Salvatore
Mahtani, Arun
88 0 - 1
Ainscow, Faye
Jacobs, Stanley G
86 0 - 1
Kapur, Gul
2 - 6

I didn’t see many of the games finish, because unfortunately my own game ended quite early, after I gave my fellow captain Alex an unintentional early Christmas present in the form of a blunder. Alex graciously agreed to lock up afterwards so I could go home.

I’d like to thank everyone very much for playing in this match. I know internal matches aren’t always easy, because depending who we have available, people can be paired against considerably stronger or weaker players, or people you’ve played quite often in the past. Thankfully we were able to keep the grading difference below 40 points on all but one board, and below 30 on all but two.

We do the best we can to pair the teams to give everyone as enjoyable an evening as possible within the constraints of the League rules and the need to make the higher team stronger, so I do hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Thank you also to those of you who brought food, contributing to the festive atmosphere, and thanks also to everyone who helped put out and clear away the equipment. Having extra pairs of hands really helps us get everything done in time.

I also apologise to those of you who were stuck outside in the rain before the match started. Unfortunately several of the sets of keys we have for the church are not working at the moment, so Rob was not able to let people in, and Alex and I were not able to arrive before 7:15. We will need to get Rob some new keys in the New Year.

This was our last match of 2019. Thank you all for playing for Hendon this year. I wish you and your families a very happy holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you in 2020!